An introduction to Analytical Problem Solving (Level 1)
Survey and Pre-test
Review of Course Aims, Syllabus, Learning Outcomes and References
What is Problem Solving - why we need science
What is covered and what is not covered at level 1
An introduction too Analytical, Critical and Inventive Thinking Methodologies
Terminology - Structured Problem Solving versus Analytical Problem Solving
Problem Solving Frameworks and their importance
The Importance of a good problem statement and how easy it is to get it wrong
Case study and exercise 1
How to check your problem statement - problem characterization
Case study and exercise 2
The importance of a team and team dynamics
Case study and exercise 3
How do you proceed beyond the problem statement - Modelling
Case study and exercise 4
Why solutions are not always the answer - RCA versus containment
The importance of alternate solutions and unintended consequences
Case study and exercise 5
Learning review and summary
What next - further reading and recommended learning.
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